We recognize that the principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, spiritual, and ethical traditions, calling us always to treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves.

What is a Gurukul System?

It was a residential schooling system whose origin dates back to around 5000 BC in the Indian subcontinent. It was more prevalent during the Vedic age where students were taught various subjects and about how to live a cultured and disciplined life. Gurukul was actually the home of teacher or Acharya and was the centre of learning where pupils resided till their education got complete. All were considered equal at the Gurukul and guru (teacher) as well as shisya (student) resided in the same house or lived near to each other. This relationship between guru and shishya was so sacred that no fee was taken from the students. However, the student had to offer a gurudakshina which was a token of respect paid to the teacher. It was mainly in the form of money or a special task that the student had to perform for the teacher.

Gyanbag Gurukul Alumina : Online Registration

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