The rich heritage and hadition of India is recognizable throughout the globe. Due to long period of invasion and demolishing activity by invaders and plea dress pushed back from scientific fervor is arising and scientist started discovering that all the inventions done in present time has already been discovered and reserved in Indian mythological manuscripts.

The World acknowledges Indian culture and gradually has started following even. On 21st June, 2014 in the general assembly of United Nations, our Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi proposed the concept of Yoga and ultimately with full majority it was accepted. Then after every year on 21st June the whole globe celebrates yoga day, promise to perform yoga to keep themselves fit and healthy.

Our students at Gyanbag also took the initiatives of performing and accomplishing the dream of our Honorable Prime Minister to make our country healthy. The children were divided into four sections of school as per central auditorium whereas the physical educator Mr. Karan also instructed in other sections, performing himself and shouring his acrobatic flexibility. The exetement of children was spellbound.

They performed and later a speech regarding the Yoga day was also organized.

The school believes in overall development of child with intefration of all co-curricular activities and enhancing the children development.